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  • Writer's pictureJasmine Prince

Definitely Not The Last But The Last For Class !

Updated: Oct 23, 2021

I have learn so much when it comes to social media and personal branding ! I would say my biggest takeaway in this course was understanding RSS feeder, vlogging, and using LinkedIn to put my brand out there. I also learn how to create an podcast and a viral campaign which is #cookfromhome. You cannot grow your personal brand without using social media, there is no way around it. The major problem I had prior to taking this course was discovering my brand and getting it out there. But once I discovered my band, it made it much easier to communicate it, thanks to this class. I've learn that it is a continuous process to get my brand out there. Most importantly it takes a lot to brand yourself, definitely not a overnight process !

I would like to learn many more new ways to grow my audience but just not how to grow my audience but to keep them. I get a little nervous as to who is going to support me and how I can grow my target audience even more. I will be using every social media platform out there to promote my brand but I will be utilizing Facebook and LinkedIn more. I believe using these social media platforms will give me a more diverse target audience that I am looking for. I want my brand to target people that want to live a much healthier, stress free and positive life but also want to look amazing on the outside but feel great from the inside.

Quote: “Health is a state of complete mental, social and physical well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” – World Health Organization, 1948 (Allie, 2016)

Live well be well !

Just another healthy dish !

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