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  • Writer's pictureJasmine Prince

Professionalism at its best !

In order to create a professional profile on LinkedIn, I had to first do some additional research for some tips and pointers. While working on my LinkedIn profile to create a more effective and professional profile I have decided to utilize the 14 different steps from the article titled, "Personal Branding On LinkedIn : 14 Strategies That Will Help listed below:

  1. Choose the right photo : Photos are the first thing people see when they view your profile. More like a first impression.

  2. Choose a creative cover photo: Choose something that speaks to what your brand about.

  3. Optimize your profile for search engines.

  4. Personalize your URL

  5. Write a glowing description: This will catch the viewers eye and may want to know more about you and your brand.

  6. Highlight your skills: On LinkedIn people can endorse your connection skills.

  7. Include media in your profile: Spice up your education and experience.

  8. Write Articles

  9. Participate in groups

  10. Ask for recommendations

  11. Tune into connection request

  12. Engage

  13. Use Analytics to track your progress

  14. Promote your brand with LinkedIn adds (Marx, 2021)

I would love to join five different groups for health and wellness such as:

Healthy Living For Healthy Aging

Wellness Travel (For Mind, Body & Spirit)

The Public Health & Wellness Networking Group

Healthy Juicy Details

Forever Young Health & Wellness PHL

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