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  • Writer's pictureJasmine Prince

Lets Get Into It...Podcast !

There is several ways to build a powerful brand through podcast. First, I have the option to start my own or I could get myself feature on the podcast of others (Podcast, 2018). However, I will start my own podcast and later feature myself on somebody else podcast that have the same branding strategy as myself. " One of your primary challenges as a podcaster would be to create a show that will not only set you apart from the rest of the pack but will also highlight your personal brand"(Podcast, 2018). I have found a great article How to Build a Powerful Personal Brand Through Podcasting which list several options that I could utilize to match my brand perfectly such as

- Solo talking ahead: You will be the only one talking and discussing different topics that you think are of interest to your audience.

- Interview style: This format will not only add on interesting element to your show, it can also give you the opportunity to leverage influences to help build your follower count.

- Narrative style: This kind of podcast is story- driven and will need a significant amount of editing so a cohesive story put together.

- Multi host format: Will be hosting the show with one or more people.(Podcast, 2018)

As I further my personal brand I will incorporate each strategy. First, I will use the solo option to just introduce myself along with my brand. Which includes coming up with strategies that will set me apart from others. Also, it is a must that I be authentic in my brand and message.

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